The Father’s Heart – 12



Let us not be ashamed to take pious delight in the works of God
open and manifest in this most beautiful theater …
John Calvin

“Creation is our place for meeting God and conversing with Him…
We take box seats in this creation theatre. 
(Answering God: The Psalms as Tools for Prayer).




Have you ever been to an IMAX theatre? It’s the most awesome, cinematic experience! “An IMAX screen is big and curved, so that the image really fills your field of vision. An IMAX screen is usually about 5 stories high!” “There is a network of 44 patented speakers in the IMAX theater that emit a staggering 12,000 watts of sound. The speakers are directional, which allows them to distribute sound more evenly across the theater, so each member of the audience hears as well as another.”

“Let us not be ashamed to take pious delight in the works of God open and manifest in this most beautiful theater.” “Creation is our place for meeting God and conversing with Him… We take box seats in this creation theatre. 

Nature is the Creator’s IMAX theatre. Here’s a small sample.Â