Suddenly their eyes were opened to a reality previously unknown.
They sensed their vulnerability and rushed to hide their naked bodies,
stitching fig leaves into crude loincloths. (Genesis 3:7)
God pieced together the skins of animals and made clothes for Adam and Eve to wear. (Genesis 3:21)
Adam and Eve sensed things were not right. They were dis-eased; but they didn’t have a clue about its deadly nature. So, they resorted to bandages, “fig leaves”, to hide their brokenness. However, the Great Physician, knowing theirs’ was a “sickness unto death” (Soren Kierkegaard), fabricated “skins of animals”. Fig leaves and animal skins—sounds mythological! What’s going on? What’s the difference?
It’s somewhat obscure: God slaughtered animals to acquire the skins. Apparently, the best therapy for the couple’s dis-ease required a bloody sacrifice. If that seems barbaric, consider this: we’re inundated with violence and blood via movies, video games, and television. Seemingly we have a rather large appetite for such.
Blood is called the “liquid of life.” Oxygen fuels the operation of every organ in the body, especially the brain. Blood is the carrier of this indispensable chemical. Two of the four vital signs relate to blood transportation. So, modern medicine has validated the Creator’s assertion: “The life of the body is in the blood” (Leviticus 17:11).
After the Jews were delivered from Egyptian bondage God wrote a prescription for right-ness: “I have given you the blood of sacrifice for making atonement for your lives through the life that is in it” (Leviticus 17:11). “I have given you….” The medication is a Gift. “I have given you the blood …” Remember: blood means life. So, God’s medicine is the Gift of Life.
“I have given you the blood of sacrifice….” The Gift of Life is costly. No health insurance is able to cover the cost. “The blood of sacrifice” is “for making atonement for your lives.” A drug is given FOR a precise disorder. Ambien is prescribed for sleep. What’s “atonement”? The Hebrew word is extremely rich; but here’s the core meaning: to cover by payment. Here’s an example. You go to a concert with a friend, but realize that you’ve forgotten your wallet. Your friend pays for your ticket saying, “I’ve got you covered.” David expressed it this way: “Blessed is the one whose sins are covered” (Psalm 32:1). Isaiah beautifully describes the results: “Even though your sins are bright red, they will be as white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18).
So, for the second time in Genesis 3 the Good News is announced. Are you getting the message? The Creator’s heart of compassion is to HEAL not HURT! Through Jesus’ crucifixion Father’s prescription for life is available “free of charge.” At the Cross God has declared to humankind: “I have given you the blood of sacrifice for making atonement for your lives through the life that is in it.” Have you picked up your medication yet?