“I am the real vine, my Father is the vine-dresser.
This is how my Father will be glorified— `
being my disciples, you become fruitful.
“I have appointed you to go and bear fruit that will last;
so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give it to you.”
John 15
It’s late Thursday evening, a few hours before Jesus death! After the Passover meal the group departs the upper room. Under a full moon they make their way out of Jerusalem, down through the Kidron Valley and up to the Mount of Olives. (about 400 yards) Passing through a terraced, mountain-side, Jesus directs the disciples’ attention to a vineyard. Think of it! Hours before his crucifixion, filled with anxiety, (Mark 14:34) Jesus spoke to his disciples about that which was most important! Why do I assert this? Common sense! If you had the opportunity, what would you say to your loved ones (John 13:1 just before your death? Having searched your heart, would you not speak of that which was most important for the betterment of your loved ones? (John 15:9).
His Father is a vineyard owner, who desires nothing less than an abundant crop, the glory of His hard work! Jesus is the vine on which the branches grow. Only on branches does fruit appear (this is astoundingly important)! The branches that don’t produce are worthless in terms of the harvest! (John 15:1-2)Â (This too is immensely importantly; yet, most Christians want to dismiss or avoid the implications thereof, after all, “I go to church!”)Â NOT!
So, here are the “broad” strokes of the series upon which I wish to embark. Father is a business person who desires an immense profit on His investment. “Exaggeration!” Well, let me inquire: for whom did the vine die? The precious blood of Jesus was shed so that the Father’s vineyard would be abundantly overflowing! “No!” you say. “Jesus’ death was for the forgiveness of sins.” No doubt! However, Jesus’ death was the means to a greater end. “This is how my Father will be glorified—being my disciples, you become fruitful.
In closing this post let me ask, what is Father’s ultimate purpose according to Jesus? “I have appointed you to GO AND BEAR FRUIT!” Does that sound familiar? Of course, it was Jesus’ final command to the Eleven after the resurrection and before his Ascension! (Matthew 28:19) There’s an obvious parallel:
“GOÂ > bear fruit / GOÂ > make disciples.”
These are the road marks that we shall be closely following!