Anthony Flew on the source of life
In December, 2004 this Associated Press headline sent shock waves throughout the scientific community: Famous Atheist Now Believes in God. “A British philosophy professor who has been a leading champion…
In December, 2004 this Associated Press headline sent shock waves throughout the scientific community: Famous Atheist Now Believes in God. “A British philosophy professor who has been a leading champion…
Come, let us bow down and worship him! Let us kneel before the Lord who made us. He is our God, and we are the people he cares for, his…
By this time a lot of men and women of doubtful reputation were hanging around Jesus, listening intently. The Pharisees and religion scholars were not pleased, not at all…
I look up at your macro-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewelry, Moon and stars mounted in their settings. Then I look at my micro-self and wonder, Why…
Let us not be ashamed to take pious delight in the works of God open and manifest in this most beautiful theater … John Calvin “Creation is our…