Faith on Fridays—Faith and fatigue

Faith in Jesus makes up the Mechanics of Life.

When Elijah saw he was a marked man, he ran for dear life into the desert. He came to a broom bush and collapsed in its shade, wanting in the worst way to die: “God! Take my life—I’m ready to join my ancestors in the grave!” (1 Kings 19:3-5)

Physical exercise can produce tiredness. Similarly, spiritual exercise, what I call “faithing,” can also produce fatigue. Such was the case with Elijah. This powerhouse of faith had scored a major victory over the adulterated establishment of Israel. As a result he was marked for death. In exhaustion Elijah became frightened and ran for his life into the desert of despair. His great faith had been fractured by fatigue!

eagle1The Creator of the ends of the earth doesn’t grow tired or become weary. The strength of those who wait on the Lord will be renewed. They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings. (Isaiah 40:28-31)

Whereas humans “grow tired and become weary,” our Creator does not. He is a solid source of strength! Isaiah, another great figure of faith, provides a formula of sorts for combating faith fatigue. It begins with a promissory principle: “The strength of those who wait on the Lord will be renewed.” When tired or weary, ones strength can be renewed by “waiting on the Lord.” What’s “waiting”?

mac 1The five mile long Mackinaw Bridge is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Michigan. The bridge is suspended between two 550-foot towers. The cables are 24.5-foot in diameter. They’re comprised of 12,580 wires woven together. Why? Because small wires woven together are astronomically stronger than a single, solid cable. No, I don’t understand the physics involved!

The root of the Hebrew word “waiting” means “to weave.” Hence, when one weaves her weakness with God’s strength, her fatigue is converted to force. Now, here’s the illustration—“They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings.” What do eagles know about “weaving”? Surprisingly, A BUNCH!

When an eagle encounters a violent storm, she does not attempt to fly through the storm. Rather, she employs a four step strategy (you can find this all on Google):

  1. Ceasing self-energized flight, she senses the warm air updrafts of the storm.
  2. She weaves herself with these currents, rising upwards, using no energy.
  3. Arriving at the top of the storm, she glides on the warm air until she gets to the opposite end of the storm.
  4. Once again she weaves herself, this time with cold air currents going downward. To get through the storm the eagle exerts no energy!

So, when faith fatigue sweeps in like a tsunami, look to the mighty eagle! Specifically, focus on the warm thermals of Father’s love in the storm. The One who loves us gives us an overwhelming victory in all these difficulties. I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love which Christ Jesus our Lord shows us.” (Romans 8:37-40)

Check out other posts in the Faith on Fridays series by clicking here.