Medicine of Life – The Grace Of Jesus
Whereas the Covid-19 virus began in Huanan China, the first virus in history began in a garden when Adam and Eve rebelliously chose a different design for living than…
Whereas the Covid-19 virus began in Huanan China, the first virus in history began in a garden when Adam and Eve rebelliously chose a different design for living than…
Watch the evening news. EVIL is evident everywhere! Jesus identified the source of evil: Jesus turned to Peter and said, ‘Get behind Me, Satan! You’re in My way!’ (Matthew 16:23)…
WHAT DO THESE MEN HAVE IN COMMON? THEY All SPENT TIME IN THE WILDERNESS! Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness,…
I have bad news! Because we crave acceptance, we permit parents, peers, pressures, and the public to define us. Consequently, Father’s original design is hidden beneath layers (like an onion)…
"When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the Lord God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the Lord God among the trees. Then the Lord God called to…