Means of Life – Connection to Jesus
Imagine an appliance. It has a cord at the end of which is a plug designed for connection to an energized receptacle. However, it's UNplugged. It can be seen…
Imagine an appliance. It has a cord at the end of which is a plug designed for connection to an energized receptacle. However, it's UNplugged. It can be seen…
GPS (Global Positioning System) is a common feature on cell phones. With it, you can be guided anywhere. Directions are provided both visually and verbally. And, if you mistakenly…
In America there’s no better time than to talk about work than around Labor Day. A word of caution—as with all aspects of God’s creation we now experience work as…
My Father’s glory is shown by your bearing much fruit, and in this way, you become My disciples. (John 20:21) In 1976, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, two college drop-outs,…
God created everything through Jesus, and nothing was created except through Jesus. (John 1:3) Remember John Lennon’s song “Imagine”? Well, for this post you will need to imagine. You own…