The LAW of Human-Being-Ness is LOVE. Adam and Eve broke this law. Consequently, they became DIS-EASED, releasing a virus of pandemic proportions in humankind for all of history! It's…
The LAW of Human-Being-Ness is LOVE. Adam and Eve broke this law. Consequently, they became DIS-EASED, releasing a virus of pandemic proportions in humankind for all of history! It's…
This is from Pastor Craig T. Owens. Excellent relational stuff! Imagine if Father ever got weary of being patient with such as me! Last week I wrote about how we can be…
“Love perceives another through the eyes of the Heart rather than the eyes of the Head.” —Tom Kaastra
“Diakonia (Greek word for service) means an activity which every Greek would recognize at once as being one of self-abasement: waiting at table, serving food and pouring wine. The distinction…
God is love. When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us 1 John 4:16 Love never gives…